Wednesday 5 September 2012

Different Use of Salicylic acid / BXA-hydroxy acid / Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid
Salicylic acid (Salicylic acid) (BXA) - hydroxy acid containing phenol (β-hydroxy acid, BHA). Salicylic acid (BHA) - has exfoliating and anti-inflammatory. Salicylic acid is a fat-soluble, so it is well into the sebaceous gland.

salicylic acid

The effect of salicylic acid: peels and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, ideal for oily and combination skin. For an ideal exfoliating agent should be the percentage of BHA in cosmetics 1.2% and must not contain in its composition of alcohol (alcohol), so as not to irritate the skin too much.
salicylic acid
The use of salicylic acid. Makeup with glycolic and salicylic acid can be used every day in the normal skin care.
salicylic acid
Not the AHA, however, often used in combination with fruit acids to enhance exfoliation of the skin.Contained in the form of esters in the bark of birch and wintergreen leaves. Has antiseptic, antifungal and keratolytic properties.AXA and BCA can be combined in a single product, the content of one of them will be small, because Yet they are designed for different skin types. Dry skin is better - AXA, for oily skin, with black dots - BCA, if the skin is combined, funds from AXA and VHA better alternate.Cosmetics containing salicylic acid is sold in pharmacy chains, almost all cosmetics Acne is composed of salicylic acid.

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